In 2024, we are working on a new project "Portraits of Slovak and Czech Britain". It will be a theatre play, portrait exhibition, and documentary showcasing the untold stories of Slovaks and Czechs in Britain. Embrace the journey with us and DONATE on Crowdfunder today!
Slovak Theatre in London is run by young Slovak and Czech artists living in London. STL has been gradually forming by the Slovak community since 2009, from the amateur group an official theatre company was established in 2017.
We are a vibrant devised theatre with productions on up-to-date topics performed in Slovak and English allowing young adults to make theatre in a foreign country quickly and efficiently, without the requirement of previous experience from the UK. Moreover, STL is a platform that allows artists to gain the skillset required for running their own independent artistic projects. The theatre crew usually changes with every new production and all members are professionals with required artistic education.
STL is a nonprofit organisation and to fund our projects and tour, we rely on a combination of funding from grants, donations and ticket sales. Apart from various UK locations, we regularly visit native communities in Prague, Brussels and Slovakia. The range of locations, venues and countries where we perform expands year by year.
The characteristics that made STL from the start:
Compatriotic - our company consists mainly of Slovaks, with some Czech members.
Young - we are students, current and recently graduated - at times students for life, young at heart.
Devised - we specialise in original devised work, crafted by ourselves.
Modern - we reflect current themes and issues.
Universally Human - we transform our experiences so they can reach any kind of audience.
The logo features the picture of a heart divided into two parts. The metaphor of the heart split into two halves represents the life situation of a migrant who has to split his commitments and duties between two countries. This metaphor was also used in one of the scenes in our first devised production "Migrants' Rhapsody". The heart is cut with a double cross that refers to the Slovak national sign.